Rose Pruning at member garden – Brisbane

Sunday 18th July, anytime from 8am. Come along to help with the rose pruning at Laurel's garden in Yandina. If you haven't been to this garden before please ring Barbara or Laurel for directions as the GPS cannot be trusted.Please […]

Garden visit – Brisbane

Sunday 10th October 9.30am - 10.00 ready for morning tea in a member's garden in Twin Waters. Please put the date in your diary. Coordinator will supply more detailed information.

Brisbane – Sunday 28th November 11.00am. Christmas Party

Sunday 28th November 11.00am. Christmas Party at Coordinator's address. Please bring some Christmas-type food for lunch as well as a home made gift for the Kris Kringle, either a plant from your garden, a crafty gift if that is your […]

Welcome to New Year lunch – Darling Downs

Saturday Jan 8th 2022 Steele Rudd Memorial Park, East Greenmount 10:00am Bring your morning tea, plant raffle and ‘show and tell’ roses, a friend, hat, name badge, chair to THE STEELE RUDD MEMORIAL PARK at cnr Steele Rudd and Reg […]

19th WFRS World Convention

Adelaide Convention Centre North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

NEW DATES ANNOUNCED FOR THE WFRS WORLD ROSE CONVENTION IN 2022 Rosarians in Australia and across the world are looking forward to the 19th World Federation of Rose Societies World Rose Convention – hosted by the National Rose Society of […]

Heritage Roses in Australia Conference 2023

Novotel Glen Waverley 285 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia

HRIA 15th National Conference Glen Waverley, Victoria. Friday 27th to Monday 30th October 2023  Post Conference Tour REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED Thank you to all the members who have expressed an interest to attend the conference. The Novotel Glen Waverley […]

Heritage Roses New Zealand National Conference

Heritage Roses New Zealand National Conference "Heritage Roses - Wild and Tamed" Cromwell, New Zealand. Registration Now Open. Registration includes options for pre-conference and post-conference tours.  

* Please contact your regional coordinator for further event details *