This is what I've been taught re budwood:
- The bud-stick(s) should have had a flower and be at the stage of maturity where prickles snap off easily to sideways pressure.
- If the plant is a climber, the bud-stick should be a climbing shoot.
- The buds should be tiny - John N might say invisible (if they are shooting, it's too late).
- The leaves should be cut off, leaving about 1cm of leaf-stem beside the bud to shield it. Don't remove the prickles, lest you bruise the stem.
- If 5 plants are wanted, 8 buds should be sent, to give the budder a choice.
Thereafter prepare as for cuttings to be posted (if quarantine regulations permit):
- Label the bud-stick - Artline Garden Marker pens from a stationary shop are the best to use.
- Wrap the bud-stick(s) in damp kitchen towel or newspaper (NOT wet) - then in 2 layers of cling-wrap, then put into a sealed plastic bag.
- Add either bubble-wrap or use a padded bag.
- If warm weather is forecast, send the parcel Express Post. On the outside write, "Attn AQIS - Rose Propagating material. No soil."
- To send to Tasmania, check with Quarantine. You may also need to write "No leaves" on the outside of the parcel.
Note: A nurseryman added, "the bud-stick should be pencil thickness". The same is said re cuttings (more stored carbohydrate, to get them started). Ah, if old-rose rescuers had that luxury!
Notes from Margaret Furness, 5th December 2019